5: Exp Lung Res 2000 Dec;26(8):673-83 |
Massey TE, Smith GB, Tam AS.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Queen's University, Kingston,
Ontario, Canada. masseyt@post.queensu.ca
Although aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is best known as a hepatocarcinogen, the
respiratory system can also be a target of this mycotoxin. In isolated lung
cells from rabbits and mice, AFB1 is bioactivated by cytochromes P450, primarily
in nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial (Clara) cells. However, mutagenesis
experiments suggest that the DNA-binding AFB1 epoxide metabolite can leave the
cells of origin, and potentially interact with other cell types. Consistent with
DNA adduct studies, AFB1-induced AC3F1 mouse lung tumors contain point mutations
at guanine residues in K-ras, with the anticipated bias for the A/J allele.
Furthermore, following AFB1 treatment but prior to tumor development, K-ras
mutations occur preferentially in mouse Clara cells. However, in contrast to
findings with other carcinogens, AFB1-induced mouse lung tumors demonstrate
frequent, but heterogeneously distributed, overexpression of p53 protein as well
as p53 point mutations, suggesting a carcinogen-specific response. Unlike lung
tissue from mice and rabbits, human peripheral lung bioactivates AFB1 primarily
by prostaglandin H synthase--and/or lipoxygenase-catalyzed cooxidation, with
activity concentrated in macrophages. In addition, although glutathione S-transferase
M1-1 has high specific activity for AFB1 epoxide conjugation, lung tissues from
GSTM1-null individuals do not demonstrate diminished rates of conjugation,
compared to tissues from GSTM1-positive individuals. In summary, AFB1
tumorigenesis in mice demonstrates unique properties, and processes of
bioactivation show significant species differences.
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PMID: 11195464